New cashew price: Farmers lament lack of consultation ahead of announcement

The Ministry of Food and Agriculture is set to announce a new cashew price in December amidst farmers calling for holistic stakeholder consultation
Cashew farmers are lamenting the lack of consultation ahead of the announcement of the new minimum fixed price for cashew production in the 2021-2022 cashew season.
Speaking to Asaase Business News Monday (8 November), president of the Cashew Farmers Association and two-time National Best Famer, Nana Adu Boamponsem Adumhene of the Wenchi Traditional Area indicated that although the association has a representative at the Tree Crop Development Authority and the committee that determines the minimum fixed price, there has not been any form of consultation from government or any agency in arriving at the yet to be announced price for the upcoming cashew season.
“We have a representative of farmers at the Tree Crop Development Authority but we understand we’ve not been consulted. So, we don’t know what they used and how they came up with the price that’s going to be announced. Also, they never asked us about our cost of production hence, we do not know how they came up with that price,” he said.
However, speaking at an annual conference and inauguration ceremony of the cashew Traders and Exporters Association Ghana in Sunyani, CEO of the Tree Crop Development Authority, William Quaitoo said every necessary factor of a parameter in arriving at a price of a kilo of cashew has been considered.
“Every factor of a parameter that is important to arrive at a price of a kilo of cashew has been determined. You priced a product and the product must be defined through the help of GIZ.
“The cashew that will be sold must have a moisture content of less than 10%. By a team of experts, we have determined the price and it is at the table of the Minister for Food and Agriculture and in December, a date will be fixed for the announcement,” he said.
He further indicated that the Ministry of Food and Agriculture in December will set a date for the announcement of the minimum fixed price.