New York City Mayor-elect shrugs off Omicron ‘threat’ to travel to Ghana for ‘spiritual cleansing’

Newly elected Mayor of New York City Eric Leroy Adams has said nothing will stop his “spiritual journey” to Ghana before officially assuming his role as “mayor of one of the important cities”.
Threats of the Omicron variant of Covid-19 in Africa caused many to question his decision to visit the continent at this time.
The variant is yet to be recorded in the US but flights from some eight southern African countries, where the variant has been detected, have been banned. US citizens have also been asked not to visit those countries.
It is against this background that questions have been raised about Mr. Adams’s trip to Africa. Some have described his decision to visit Ghana at this time as “irresponsible”.
But he remains resolute.
“I’m not afraid of anything. I’m an ex-cop. I’m ready to lead my city,” he told journalists before his scheduled departure to Accra on Monday, November 29.
The 18th borough president of Brooklyn insists the Ghana trip is to fulfill a long-planned pledge of visiting the West African nation to mark the 400th anniversary of slavery in the US.
“This is a spiritual journey for me. My ancestors came over here in the bottom of slave ships, and 400 years later, I’m the mayor of one of the most important cities, the city of New York. I’m going there to pray. I’m going there to do some spiritual cleansing.”
Mr. Adams officially takes up the role on Saturday, January 1, 2022, and will become only the second Black mayor in the city’s history.
He said just like former US President Barack Obama visited Ghana in the early days of his presidency, he is doing the same.
“The people of Ghana — just like Obama when he ran for president — they’re waiting for me to go. I’m making a connection with my ancestry.”