Former GNPC Boss, Dr. K.K Sarpong is new Chancellor of UPSA

The University of Professional Studies, Accra, UPSA, on Thursday conferred on the immediate past Chief Executive officer of the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation, Dr. K.K Sarpong, Chancellor of the university at a colorful ceremony.

In his acceptance speech at the investiture, the new Chancellors charged universities in Ghana to introduce academic programmes that are in sync with the rapid changes the world is going through or risk being left behind.
“it is has become essential to infuse professionalism and knowledge, which is the hallmark of our alumni, with 21st century workplace skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, information processing, good interpersonal relationships, good communication skills, digital literacy, media literacy, and modern literacy skills in the academic pursuit at the University”. Dr. Sarpong said
“Technology now impacts significantly, every aspect of our lives, including how we teach and learn. Adapting university education to the needs of the modern-day job market and moulding students into a workforce that can identify practical solutions to issues is key to making them employable” He observed. It is therefore imperative that, “Our 6 curricula, programmes and methods need to respond to the new normal”, Dr Sarpong added.
He emphasized that, “I trained to be an Accountant. Over the past four decades, I have worked in that profession at very high levels of management in many reputable national and international organisations. I have mentored many accountants and observed how work has progressed from a largely manual into contemporary digitised accountancy”.
Accordingly, it is therefore key to appreciate that, “the vital role of higher education in our development agenda cannot be over-emphasized. Ghana’s higher education reforms were thus aimed at meeting the country’s needs by expanding access leading to a rapid growth in tertiary institutions in Ghana” Dr. Sarpong added
This is he said, is evident in the fact that, “at independence, Ghana had only two institutions of higher learning, the University College of the Gold Coast, and the Kumasi College of Technology. Today, there are more than 250 of such institutions of which 90 are universities. Naturally, this astronomical increase in institutions of higher learning has generated intense competition among them”
“UPSA will need to carry out an objective analysis of its strengths and weaknesses and device effective strategies to respond to the severe competitive pressures to ensure its survival”. He pointed out.
The Chancellor was full of praise for the University for making it mandatory for graduate students to pass a course in Soft Skills and Business Etiquette as a prerequisite for graduation but added that, “in addition to the skills that make them employable, I think it is essential that our students imbibe the habit of giving back to their communities”.
Adding that, “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once noted, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’ “. Pope Francis has also observed that “Life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you”.
“We must be concerned about the marginalised, the disadvantaged and the vulnerable in our society. Though others may have a contrary view, I would further suggest that some hours of community service should be a requirement for graduation, at least at the undergraduate level, to ensure our graduates embrace humanism” Chancellor Dr. Sarpong recommended.
He observed that “one of the aims of this University, just like other universities, is to undertake research in disciplines that fall within the mandate of the University in furtherance of mankind’s development. I can say without fear of contradiction that many universities barely achieve this aim due to funding constraints”.
Dr. Sarpong promised that, “during my tenure as Chancellor, I will work tirelessly with the governing council to set up the Chancellor’s Endowment Fund for research. The establishment of this Fund will assure the University of a Steady Income dedicated solely to research”
He therefore implored all to contribute to the Fund when Council makes the call.
He was full of praise for the University for producing graduates who have proven their mettle in the job market.
“In over five decades of the existence of this institution, many alumni have passed through its walls to become highly qualified and knowledgeable accountants. During this period, the Institution has also trained other professionals. What is striking for me is the professionalism and versatility of the graduates of UPSA. I have come across many in my professional circles and have had the opportunity to work closely with some of them. I congratulate the Institution for developing such talents”. The Chancellor added that he comes into this position of Chancellor knowing it is ceremonial and therefore acknowledges that the day-to-day management and administrative running of the University are in the hands of a management team, headed by the Vice-Chancellor, with the University Governing Council performing oversight duties and offering good counsel as required, he has absolute confidence in both Management and the Governing Council to propel the University to greater heights but was quick to add that, “the Council can always count on me for advice or advocacy”.
Dr. Sarpong said in humility, he formally accepts the position of Chancellor of the University of Professional Studies, Accra because, “It has always been my greatest joy to contribute to education in any possible and relevant way. The conferment of the position of Chancellor on me today marks the summit of my desire and calling to contribute to the development of education in Ghana and beyond. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve in this manner”. He added
“It is my greatest honour to be considered and appointed as the Chancellor of the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA). I thank the Governing Council, the Academic Board, and all staff and students of this noble institution for bestowing on me such an honour. I am genuinely humbled by the presence of all the noble and distinguished personalities here today to support my investiture as Chancellor”. He said.

The Investiture ceremony, considered one of the most enviable landmarks in academia, was graced with dignity, liaised with a galaxy of academic traditions and protocols.
Vice President of the Republic of Ghana, H.E Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia was the special guest at the remarkable event which took place at the Dr. Ohene-Kunadu Auditorium of the University.
Story by: Listowell Yesu Bukarson